Tune Your Heart to the Wave of the Creator

525Question: In article 241 of Shamati, Baal HaSulam writes: “Call upon Him when He is near.” By what signs can we understand that the Creator is close to us?

Answer: When we think about the Creator, we want to get closer to Him. When we have some kind of relationship with Him, it means that we are close to Him. At this time, you must definitely turn to Him and raise your requests.

Question: The article also says that if a person does not take advantage of the opportunity, he remains as before. What does it mean to “not take advantage of an opportunity”?

Answer: If you are given the opportunity to ask the Creator to draw closer to Him and did not do this, it means you did not use it.

Therefore, you must constantly tune your heart to turn to the Creator, especially together with your friends, and then you will definitely have the opportunity to contact Him, and an answer to your request will come from Him.

You must always try to feel as if you are tuning into this wave with your heart, and your request will not be sent into the void.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/2/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Call Upon Him When He Is Near“

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