Catch Up with the Creator

186Question: It is said that if the Torah distances one from love for the Creator, it is called the elixir of death. The Creator often alienates us from Himself because of our egoism. In what case does the Torah bring us closer to the Creator, and in what does it become the elixir of death?

Answer: The Psalms give an example of a deer that is running away from a person constantly looks back to see whether he manages to increase the distance or decrease. It is like this with the Creator.

Even when the Creator moves away and demonstrates it to us, He does this only to make us run after Him and try to reach Him. Therefore, we must always pursue the thought that the Creator wants us to catch up with Him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/3/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Concerning the Giving of the Torah – 2“

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