Rise above the Ugliness of Egoism

283.01A person who was very ugly came by his way. He told him, “Hello rabbi,” but he did not reply. He told him, “Vain, how ugly is that man, are all your townspeople as ugly as you?” He replied, “I do not know, but go and tell the craftsman who made me, ‘How ugly is this vessel that you have made’” (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 56 “Torah Is Called Indication“).

We are not talking about any external manifestations of a person but about his internal qualities. Ugliness is one of the expressions of human egoism. The Torah never talks about external ugliness, only about internal ugliness, which needs to be corrected.

Comment: When I see ugliness from the outside, wanting to correct it, I catch myself thinking that I justify myself more than I strive for my own correction.

My Response: This is how our egoism manifests itself. Therefore, keep learning, and gradually you will put up less and less with the fact that you see the world as bad. On the contrary, you will see yourself as bad, and the world more or less corrected, normal, good, and kind.

Invest in the ten, get closer to it, and you will quickly get completely different answers from the Creator.

The true correction is that you feel more and more attached to the group and are ready to work and live for the sake of your friends.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/6/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Torah Is Called Indication“

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