Questions about the Spiritual Covenant

934Question: What does the correct covenant between us include, that even the Creator takes care of it?

Answer: The correct covenant is when we are concerned and cherish the connection between us and all the time take care that our connection is strengthened more and more.

Question: How can we come to the covenant in feelings if we have not yet come to the correct spiritual connection?

Answer: It does not matter; keep trying. You can do it. Just help each other and try to reach a state where you are all together in one Kli.

Question: Is it possible to build the covenant of salt with the teacher?

Answer: It is better to do this with the Creator.

Question: Does our covenant depend on the measure of the desire that the Creator will receive pleasure from it?

Answer: Yes, in the end all our actions should be with the intention to bring contentment to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson) 11/15/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “On All Your Offerings You Shall Offer Salt“

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