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610.2Question: In The Study of the Ten Sefirot, it is often repeated that the Creator’s thoughts are not our thoughts. How can this verse be turned into an area of work?

Answer: The fact is with the Creator everything comes from the desire to give, and with us everything is from the desire to receive. Therefore it is written that our thoughts are not His thoughts, and our actions are not His actions.

Man has nothing of his own except the primordial small egoistic desire. Even if you try to grasp the Creator’s thought, this thought is also from Him, despite you considering it your own.

Everything comes from the Creator. Our thoughts, desires, and actions are determined only by Him who we are trying to reveal.

Question: Once we reveal this, what will happen next?

Answer: We will completely agree with it, even though it seemingly destroys our egoism. Where are we then? We are nowhere. We are only the Creator’s thoughts.

Comment: It is hard to accept that I am practically not here.

Answer: Once we attain this, we will begin to feel our connection with the Creator.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/10/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Study of the Ten Sefirot(TES)

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