Saint-Exupery’s Prayer

627.2Comment: Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author of The Little Prince, wrote a prayer that begins

Lord, I’m not asking for miracles and visions, I’m only asking for strength to get through the day. Teach me the art of small steps.

Please share your comments about it.

My Response: It is very good. That is, do not make for yourself any grandiose plans or any big upheavals in life. There is no need! On the contrary, do precisely small steps, but so that you know exactly what they are, and that this is your real skill.

Question: Practically, does a person take a step and then need to check whether this step is the one he was thinking about, and how to finish it?

Answer: Yes, absolutely.

Question: What is next? How does the thought about the next step come?

Answer: According to what he has done, he can already continue to work.

Present me with the sense to be able to judge whether something is important or not.

My Response: This is very important when it seems to a person that there are many kinds of tasks, problems, solutions, and so on, and he makes a certain order in them.

Question: How do I understand whether something is important or not?

Answer: Because it includes everything else, and nothing else can be solved without my solving it first. That is, this is the key to solving everything else.

Question: What is important for a person?

Answer: To understand what he wants from life in general. We can say in another way, to understand what the Creator wants from him.

Save me from the naive belief that everything in life has to go smoothly.

My Response: In fact we cannot plan steep, difficult turns; we still want it all to be smooth.

Question: But he writes, Save me from the naive belief. Why should I be saved from it?

Answer: This will stop a person if he imagines such obstacles on the way.

Question: Are you saying that a person should think that it would be better if everything were smooth?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What if steep turns start?

Answer: If they start, I want to run away.

Question: What should I do if all these ups and downs start?

Answer: We need to increase the importance of these steep turns within ourselves. Then it will be possible to overcome them with pleasure. The steeper the turn, the more significant it is.

Question: Is there a law “the steeper the turn, the steeper the ascent”?

Answer: Yes, of course.

Send me the right person at the right moment, who will have enough courage and love to utter the truth!

My Response: Of course, everyone would like to have such a person. Some do succeed.

Question: So is this combination—enough love to utter the truth—the right combination?

Answer: It helps a lot.

Comment: Usually, during our conversations, you have said: “Why are you spilling your truth on a person? It is your truth. It is like you are spilling your ego out on him. Here, however, you say that this combination, when you say it with love, is a different deal.

My Response: This is a great help!

I know that many problems solve themselves, so please teach me patience.

Comment: This moment is always very difficult for me to understand.

My Response: Although it does not look heroic or correct, the wisest thing, in fact, is to go with the flow.

Question: That is, not to take fortresses by storm, but to go with the flow?

Answer: Yes. It will come to you anyway. Everything is in the hands of the upper, and we need to agree with this.

Question: Is this the most difficult moment, this agreement?

Answer: Yes.

You know how much we need friendship. Make me worthy of this nicest, hardest, riskiest, and most fragile gift of life.

My Response: It is really very difficult. The fact is that being worthy of friendship means giving everyone around such a state.

Comment: In my opinion, this is impossible.

My Response: This is practically impossible and can be interpreted as your weakness. But this is the real strength.

Spare me the fear of missing out on life.

My Response: Yes, a person is afraid of missing out.

Question: How can one not be afraid?

Answer: It can be either absolute relaxation, it is what it is—or it is a pursuit of what should be, but it still will not be.

Question: How can one get rid of this regret that I missed something?

Answer: I think that this passes too. If I missed something, so be it.

Comment: This is what you say, but a person beats himself up all the time, thinking: “I missed out.”

My Response: Well, how long can he do it?

Comment: “I had to do it.” How does he know? Thoughts come, and one cannot escape from them. “This is what I had to do and I did not do it. Why did I not do it?! It was so easy; I could have done it all easily.” And so on. All these thoughts bother a person so much! I know it for myself.

My Response: Dreary.

Question: Dreary, yes. And a person thinks: “Why am I sitting on this thought?!” Can you advise how to cut it off?

Answer: My advice is to relax. Because you do not really determine anything.

Do not give me the things I desire, but the things I need.

My Response: This is right and good. But these are such requests… You will be given what you really need.

Question: Do you proceed from this line?

Answer: I proceed from the direct line of a person’s coexistence with the Creator.

If a person wants to somehow awaken this coexistence between himself and the Creator, to somehow change it for himself and his philosophy—I believe that this is not necessary. By this you tell the Creator that you are not worthy to take from Him what He gives, and nothing else.

Question: Do you mean that our brain and our thinking stand between us and the Creator? If we cut off this part, would we cancel the brains?

Answer: Then we would become animals. This is what makes us humans, but such humans who are always looking for ways out.

Question: What is your advice after all these prayers?

Answer: My advice is to continue searching, rushing, screaming, asking, and advising the Creator on what to do.

Admit to Him that I do not like His governance, then eventually, try to reach a state where I agree with His governance and do not try to do anything, not because my strength has run out, but just because I understand that I cannot think of anything new, and everything that I have experienced and felt was all given to me by the Creator in order to help me completely relax and leave my control of the world. And that’s the end of it.

Comment: I expected you to say, “To agree with the Creator.” But you said: “Go through all the disagreements, go through all your jumps and hops, and come to an agreement.”

Answer: Yes, our entire life is in this.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/3/23

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