Questions about Spiritual Work—27

263Question: When a person sinks to the bottom of his egoism, he reveals that he is a nobody since he cannot fix anything and cannot blame anyone for this. And here there is a hole, emptiness. How can you believe that this can change?

Answer: We must fill this emptiness with the quality of bestowal, rapprochement, and love.

Question: We hate the evil in ourselves, i.e., the desire to receive. But we cannot hate each other because we reveal the evil within ourselves. How is it possible that two people hate each other? And that is the question.

Answer: This is not a question, this is reality. If two people hate each other, then they hate the same property, only in different people, each in the other.

Question: Should the evil principle know that we hate it?

Answer: Of course. There is no need to hide it.

Question: What should we do if we in the ten do not feel either the front side or the back side of the Creator?

Answer: Love each other, and you will find the Creator among you.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/9/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “You Who Love the Lord, Hate Evil“

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