How Can I Feel the Importance of Spiritual Work?

961.2Question: The primary sources say that you need to work from the impression that the work you are doing is great and holy. And if I don’t find such impressions in myself, can I impress others? Or do I have to put myself in a certain state first and impress others from it?

Answer: No, you can try to impress others, and this will give you a clearer sense of what you yourself lack in your heart. Then you will demand with great zeal from the Creator that He explain your condition to you.

Comment: But it feels like a snowball, because you’re not in a good state anyway, and then you go out into the environment, feel the difference, and dive even deeper into your condition.

My Response: So what if it makes you even more immersed? He who has not submerged cannot come up.

Comment: It’s just very difficult to interact with the environment because it turns out to be a complete separation, and you’re afraid to move because every movement seems to confuse you even more.

My Response: Well, let it be confusing. Then you will feel that you really need help. The main thing is to feel an urgent need for help. So don’t worry that you feel lost, abandoned, and weak; it is all good. It is all right.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/30/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “One’s Future Depends and Is Tied to Gratitude for the Past”

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