Faith, Awe and Unity

610.2Question: What is the connection between faith, awe, and unity?

Answer: In unity we find the force that unites us, the awe with which we turn to it, and thus achieve the goal of creation, that is, the feeling of the Creator in us.

Everything is aimed only at bringing us together because it is only then that the Creator can be revealed in us.

Question: How can we correctly focus on the Creator giving complete faith as a reward?

Answer: Your thought should be focused on getting such a feeling from the Creator’s attitude toward you where you could do anything for Him. This will be the reward for all your efforts.

Question: Is complete faith a state of final correction (Gmar Tikkun) or is it there at every stage?

Answer: In some ways it exists at every stage.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 10/20/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is “the People’s Shepherd Is the Whole People” in the Work?,” in the Work?“

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