Dig Up Yourself

508.1Question: The more effort I put into connection, the further away from it I am and the more hatred there is in my heart, literally a wall. Is the Creator’s answer to me the fact that He gives me the strength to act like a soldier—just do it and that is it? Or should I somehow get to the feeling of unity?

Answer: I do not know how much you will be able to get to the truth, but at least try with all your heart and with all your strength to aim for the Creator.

Question: What if I still want to get to the bottom of it?

Answer: Then you have to dig all over yourself. You must purify every feeling and every thought from egoism, and direct it to the Creator.
From the 1st paer of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/2/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Son of the Beloved and the Son of the Hated in the Work?”

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