Pray to Ein Sof

525The thought of creation, called “to do good to His creations,” begins from Ein Sof [no end]. For this reason, we pray to Ein Sof, meaning to the connection that exists between the Creator and the creatures.

The beginning of the connection starts in Ein Sof, where His name is, which is the root of creation (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 54 “The Purpose of the Work – 1“).

Question: Ein Sof is something that we cannot attain, i.e., equivalence of form. What is this quality of His name and what does it mean to pray to His name?

Answer: His name is the result of attainment from below. When the light of the Creator enters our Kli, then we begin to feel His name.

When we are directed to the fact that the Creator is upper, He is the first, He is the Creator, He is good and does good, and there is none else besides Him, it turns out that we are directed only to the upper root.

Question: How do we pray to Ein Sof correctly? How does one direct oneself to it?

Answer: We are able to feel this only through love for our neighbor, otherwise it is impossible.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/5/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Purpose of the Work – 1“

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