How Can We Help Each Other Be in Prayer?

938.05Question: I myself feel and I see on my friends that in the lesson we are being totally knocked out, especially when we read some article.

If I try to connect and pray, my strength—of which there is little left anyway—is immediately taken away from me. When I try to ask not for myself, I immediately switch off and fall asleep. How can we help each other be in thoughts and in prayer?

Answer: This is the correct state. Because you do not have the feelings to ask and pray for others yet. But if you constantly, despite any difficulties, ask, you will find that it is possible, and you will receive an answer.

If you connect with each other and embrace each other, you will see how much a common spiritual universe opens up before you. You will not be afraid, you will not get confused about anything, and everything will be open and clear.

The main thing is only to be open to each other, to open our hearts. This, of course, requires training, but all this is close to us.
From the 2nd part of the Lesson of the International Kabbalistic Convention “Opening Hearts” 9/30/23, Lesson 2 “Connecting As One Man with One Heart”

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