Two Paths of Spiritual Development

201.01Comment: Sometimes I look at you and get the impression that you are already tired of making constant appeals to humanity to follow the good path.

My Response: I do not see an end to it. I see that only good blows will turn us into the right people.

Sometimes they are internal, sometimes external, no matter what kind, the main thing is that they have an effect. If internal blows do not help, then external ones come into play. And so gradually a person grows.

Question: No one can escape from this?

Answer: This is a natural process. But there are desirable and undesirable forms in it. There are two parallel paths: the path of light, when you call it upon yourself demanding for it to change you, and the path of suffering when you are driven forward with a “stick to happiness” like a naughty child until you become smarter and start asking to be changed yourself.

But how much time passes before these blows change a person?
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ruthless people” 9/17/11

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