Same Message, Different Delivery

234Comment: When you explain something, the same message always comes from you, but its presentation is different all the time. From the outside it looks like you are changing your mind and contradicting yourself.

My Response: What can I do?! My teaching is designed for serious people, let’s say people who study physics, especially those associated with such breakthroughs in science as the collider where they are looking for the Higgs boson and so on. Their discoveries can take them in one direction when they solve, say, the mystery of gravitation, or they can be taken in a completely different direction. They are in the middle and do not know what to do. This is how we live because we attain everything in comparison.

Matter always consists of two opposite elements, plus and minus, which gradually expand and connect with each other. The more complex matter is, the more contradictory, opposite are the elements it consists of that connect and complement each other. All of it is built on a contradiction.

If some people cannot comprehend it, what can I do?! They want to live like some kitten and nothing else: this is my mom, my bowl, and a box of sand.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You Contradict a Lot” 8/27/11

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