How to Use Pleasures

276.02All pleasures have a specific image from which we receive pleasure. A person must understand precisely whether he is following them for the sake of connection with his friends and with the Creator or whether he is against these pleasures.

In order to properly receive them and thank the Creator for them without the shame of receiving them, we must try to clarify our relationship with the Creator so that all our desires, intentions, thoughts, and aspirations are directed to Him.

Question: At the moment of enjoyment, do you need to think that it gives pleasure to the Creator or should we rejoice and enjoy what He gives?

Answer: It depends on who the pleasures come from: from you to the Creator or from the Creator to you.

The task of enjoyment is that we correctly orient ourselves to the Creator; it is when you want to accept this pleasure only if you bring contentment to the Creator.

Question: And if I don’t need special pleasures, but the Creator gives them to me, what should I do?

Answer: You should receive them and be grateful; enjoy them with the Creator and with the ten. And if they distract you from connection with your friends, then you don’t use them. But in the end, absolutely all pleasures can be used for the sake of integration with the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/11/23, “Habit Becomes a Second Nature”

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What Can Bring Contentment to the Creator?
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