How Is the Connection with the Creator Formed?

608.02Question: Baal HaSulam writes that when the upper light hits the screen, the screen rejects the light, so to say, meaning, a person acquires a force that gives him the opportunity to reject the pleasures coming from the Creator. This action is called Zivug de Hakaa, striking coupling.

Where does the pleasure go when the light tries to pass into the vessel?

Answer: The Light that wants to fill me acts according to its intentions. And I act according to my capabilities; I push it away. Otherwise, it will enter me, and I will receive it for myself, which contradicts the entire program of creation.

The upper light wants to enter me forcibly, it hits me, but I push it away, I don’t want to accept it. This is where the striking mutual interaction occurs. I reject the light and the light rejects me. And here we must coordinate these actions among ourselves as a guest and a host.

Meaning, the problem is how do I receive from the Creator what He wants to give despite the fact that I want to receive only for His sake. To do this, there is a  coupling while striking called Hakaa, from the word “Maka” (blow).

When the upper light comes to me from the Creator and presses me to accept and enjoy it, and I really want this pleasure but at the same time understand that I will be absolutely opposite to the Creator, then a state arises that I forcibly push the light away from me, and it goes away.

After it recedes, I have the opportunity to attract it not for my own sake, not for the sake of feeling my own pleasure, but to receive this light for the sake of the Creator. After all, He asks me for this, and I do not receive it because I can receive it for my own sake.

It turns out that the light came to me in order to fill me and delight me. I push it away and start taking certain doses of it just to please the Creator. So we form a very good connection: the Creator wants to fill me, and I want to fill the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 7/30/23

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