How Can We Perceive the Depth of the Studied Material?

294.4Question: I understand that you give us a lot and try to move us forward by answering questions from a great spiritual height. But I cannot feel and absorb all this depth. What should I do in this case?

Answer: Move forward no matter what. Do not invent some answers for yourself and do not change the path. Just move on: one more lesson, and one more, and another one. You will see how all these lessons are suddenly revealed on a new level, although it seems to you that you did not understand them and were present at them in vain.

Question: There is no feeling that I was present in vain. It just feels like you are giving more than I am capable of taking in.

Answer: This will also enter and be absorbed within you. You will see, everything will be fine.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/27/23, “According to the Sorrow, So Is the Reward”

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