Help from Above

549.02Comment: A person seems to become callous after studying Kabbalah.

My Response: This is a natural process. A person must become stronger and stronger. You are not going anywhere! That is who we are. And we have to go against it with the help of the right environment that will affect us.

And it affects you, along with the others, when you constantly read the primary sources and sometimes try to distance yourself as much as you can from your thoughts and desires, to look at yourself from the outside, and not be at the mercy of your egoism, but to somehow get out of it a little.

This happens at the most difficult, inopportune moments: when you are studying, when you feel bad, when you see how it all works on you, and when you are forced to submit to some other person’s will. This is help from above.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ruthless People” 9/17/11

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