Getting Out into Real Life

963.4Kabbalah primarily shares to create the right environment for yourself and everything will be fine. Nothing else is needed, no other effort!

Enter this environment. Be only among such people! Do not listen to others! They do not understand anything anyway. Why listen to them? Is it in order to allegedly object to them, to argue? There is no need! You will not convince them of anything! They have a thousand different issues.

Question: Suppose a person begins to study Kabbalah. At first he is delighted with everything and everyone, and then it begins: “This one is not quite right, and this is not the way it should be,” that is, he is no longer ready to exalt the environment. So, what is next?

Answer: Then he must understand what he really needs, what goal he is pursuing; is it to say that everyone is a fool and to feel good, or is it to really get out into real life, to attain something new through his own change. Then you have to put pressure on yourself and obey this environment.

Comment: The fact is that in ordinary life a person immediately isolates himself from this environment. And here, a person understands his inner rejection from the others, but at the same time he holds on with all his might. However, this process occurs naturally in him. He cannot bring himself to treat everyone the way he did before.

My Response: But we must try to quickly go through these states; otherwise, it is a pity; time goes by and life passes.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Ruthless People” 9/17/11

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