Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 8/3/23

202.0Question: Is the desire to receive approval and recognition egoism?

Answer: It is not really egoism. Such a desire can be manifested in the best sense of the word when a person invents something, when he tries to do something in order to do good to people, and he needs support.

Question: What advice would you give to a person who has no real friends, but would like to find them?

Answer: He has to change. It is not easy. He must clearly understand why he needs this, whether he needs these people, what he would like to connect with them for, what he could give them, and so on.

Question: What do you think about meditation?

Answer: I do not know, I have never practiced it. I think there are people who need it, they want it. But personally, I do not see myself practicing meditation.

Question: What was the happiest moment in your life?

Answer: I think the happiest moment in my life was the day I found my teacher. I had been looking for him for several years, traveled to a lot of people, and asked them, but I did not get an answer. And suddenly, by chance, I found a teacher.

Question: If we influence other people with our thoughts, what should we think about every moment?

Answer: So that this moment does not pass in vain. So that during this moment you have a contact between you and the Creator, and you understand what you want from this contact.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah in the modern turbulent world” 8/3/23

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