Special Agent

944Question: Suppose an intelligence agent enters the environment of the enemy and lives there for a long time. How can he protect himself from the influence of this environment? Is it really possible?

Answer: I do not know how the agent protects himself.

In Kabbalah, it is very simple. If a person does not want to, then he does not experience any pressure from the environment because the spiritual environment is unnatural for him.

You come to a group where you have to make an effort to be connected with it because here everyone is talking about love, about friendship, about rising above their egoism and coming closer to others. This is against your innate nature; there is no need to train intelligence agents.

Here you come by yourself as an outside element, and you have to work on yourself for a long-long time if you want to infiltrate this environment. It openly shows you what it has. If you want, you can infiltrate it.

If you stay in the group as an outsider, you will never understand anything. As soon as you make yourself an element similar to this group, then you will be able to understand what is happening in it. But then it will be too late because you have already become different.

There are no external games here. You cannot behave outwardly like an artist, but internally remain the same extraneous element. You cannot. Either one or the other. You have to change your nature.

Therefore, in our world, an agent can remain, for example, a convinced communist in a capitalist society. But not here; otherwise, you will not be able to get any Kabbalistic information.

But even if you get it, you will not be able to tell your masters about it because they will not understand anything about it, and they do not need it. In our egoistic world, no one is interested in how to be kind and good, and to love other people.

Therefore, Kabbalah is the most unnecessary science for our world. But it is needed precisely in order to raise our world. From this point of view, it is the most necessary.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Special Agent” 4/16/11

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