Like in a Mother’s Womb

571.01Comment: Let’s say a person has slept at the lessons for several years. He worries about it, but there is nothing he can do.

My Response: It is very good that he is worried. Let him pray, look for some method of salvation, ask friends, and develop a desire to get out of this state.

Question: But from the point of view of spiritual development, is he at least somehow progressing in such a state?

Answer: For example, if a person who is sitting next to him looks at the topic we study from the point of view of corporeal realization or wants to know what is written in The Study of the Ten Sefirot in order to start controlling something somewhere, is it better?! He does not think about the goal anyway.

This one, however, is under the influence of the surrounding atmosphere, which affects him like a small sleeping child: he sleeps, but still the environment affects him, like in the mother’s womb.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. A Friend Who Sleeps during the Lesson” 12/26/12

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