Initial State for the Development of Feelings

281.01Comment: In principle, a Kabbalah lesson is perceived by us in conceptual apparatus. But you keep saying that this leads us away from the correct understanding because the perception of the mind does not give anything and we need to break away from the images.

My Response: Yes! Because the main thing for us is to develop sensory perception, to feel what we lack.

Our mind is secondary, it develops in accordance with sensations. If I did not have one of the organs of perception, then, accordingly, the brain would not work with it.

If I did not have all the organs of perception, then the brain would not work with anything at all. It would not exist. It would be in the form of a rudimentary, point-like state. From what, then, could it develop? Imagine, if there were no sensory organs, then there is no brain.

Thus, a person has only a theoretical possibility of starting to develop. Some kind of impetus is needed to give a person direction in the development of one’s feelings, and then in the development of his mind. This initial state is called “point in the heart” or “Reshimo” (record, informational gene).
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Nothing Exists!” 10/3/12

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