All the States Are Within Us

761.2Question: It is interesting that nothing happens in the present. At least for us. Everything we see, hear, feel, and think is a product of the past.

Since it takes time for the light to reach us, everything we see is in the past. Let us say it takes light eight minutes to get from the Sun to the Earth, so it turns out that we live in a picture where nothing is happening in the present, but everything has happened already. Do you agree with this statement?

Answer: Of course, it is a physical law of many minutes a ray of light travels from the Sun to the Earth.

Question: It is said that the light from the nearest star travels for four years to reach us. So what we see has actually already happened. If we talk about spiritual states, then all states are also predetermined and are revealed only in relation to us?

Answer: There is no speed in the spiritual world. Therefore, all situations and events that were, are, and will be, occur within us. All of them already exist, they are only revealed in relation to a person.

Question: For example, some kind of war, which should take place in a year, already exists in the making?

Answer: It exists and can happen. But whether it will happen depends also on our actions.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 12/25/22

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