Spiritual Transmission Link

961.2Question: You have a certain function, you are a link of spiritual transmission. What if this physical connection between you and your students is interrupted? You are a link they cannot do without.

Answer: There is no such thing as “cannot.” It will happen! The main thing is the connection between you. If you have the right connection between you, you will continue everything correctly and well. The main thing for me is to lead you to this.

I don’t think there will be any one person who will lead the World Academy of Kabbalah or the World Academy of Integral Connection, Upbringing, and Education. This function will be assumed by the spiritual, physical board of directors.

If you stay together, you will always find the correct step forward in the right connection between you. And I will always be with you, just a little hidden.

Of course, it is easier for one person to direct because he is a student of Rabash, thus he knows more and so on. So you have to force the friends who make up the board of directors to be correctly united, then, from this connection they will draw everything they need for the ensuing right path: reason, desire, and direction. Then you can listen to them.

In no way should you go against it! I stand behind them covertly, just as I am now in contact with Rabash. And although, sooner or later, I will disappear from your eyes, I will still remain in touch with you through these ten people, just as Rabash is in touch with me, and through me, in fact, in touch with you.

Question: Why is it that when you remember Rabash, you are overcome with emotion?

Answer: Because I’m talking about the person most dear to me. It’s natural.

Comment: But if you are in connection with him, you should not be emotional.

My Response: How so? What if I am next to him, and suddenly I’m overcome with emotion? This is no different, it doesn’t matter where you are.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Spiritual Transmission Link” 8/13/13

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