Salvation Is in Connection

285.02The world will be receiving blows all the time until it finds the solution. Either we will start listening to the method of integral connection or we will receive all kinds of blows, personal, public, wars, etc., until we understand what needs to be heard. To hear that the only opportunity to live differently lies in connection.

For humanity, there is nothing else left to do: either live in competition with each other in constant struggle or in connection. We know that during cataclysms or wars, a person instinctively strives for it. Therefore, we will be taught with the help of all sorts of troubles.

Then we will begin to understand that we need to move toward connection in order to escape from suffering. But it will be a purely egoistic movement forward and nothing else. This is very far from a true exit from egoism.

Knowing the nature of a person, we gradually, consistently reveal to him the stages of his development. There is not any trick in this. There is love and kindness, and, based on love, we always treat a person according to the conditions that he must go through.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Victory Is a Sign of Defeat” 8/2/13

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