The Influence of the Upper Light on Man

232.1There are many different methods to draw the surrounding light on yourself, even when you are alone. The more so when you are in a group by studying and any kind of work for humanity, but only real, correct, work when you disseminate Kabbalah and help people.

Light leads a person to the realization of the evil of his egoistic nature and it evokes his desire to correct himself. It is the light that leads him to an inner prayer for correction. And when it is carried out, he begins to feel the inner light.

Everyone who feels the upper light begins to develop within this upper light, as if his spiritual eyes are opened. As we see in the sunlight, so the Kabbalist sees in spiritual light. He attains another side of the universe that shows him everything that exists. It is hidden from others, but not from him.

In our world, a person who is enjoying himself does not ask the question: “What is next?” He simply enjoys himself until he gets empty and again begins to strive for fulfillment.

And in spirituality, on the contrary, he is looking for how to properly and kindly influence others and the Creator. Based on the fact that he is overwhelmed with a feeling of goodness coming from the Creator, he wants to continue this transmission from himself to others.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 7/19/22

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