How Can You Feel The Friends?

947Question: How can we create an artificial relationship template that will force us to demand to actually feel the friends?

Answer: You should talk and communicate with each other more. You can even write down what you are talking about. And you will gradually develop a common language. You will begin to understand each other more and thus get closer to each other spiritually and internally. Everything will come from this. You will begin to feel the Creator. So you need to work on it.

Question: Is it possible to outline a certain format that we would like to implement?

Answer: You can agree on mutual guarantee between each other, then fulfill it, and each time correct this agreement, make it ever-growing. Please, do it!

You are mature people and you must understand what state you are in, what you should come to and build your rapprochement to the correct state step by step.

This is serious work for both men and women. And the Creator helps us by alienating us, dividing us, and thereby promoting unity. Both in this and in that direction, a little bit of plus and then slightly increased minus, then more plus than minus, and after that more minus than plus. And so we go, gradually increasing the amplitude.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/9/22, “Asking the Creator to Fill the Place Between Us” Lesson 7

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