Against The Current

546.02If we knew how much we lose because we do not have the will to bestow, we would yearn for it egoistically and would search for where to buy the will to bestow in order to profit from it and succeed in life. Therefore, the fulfillment that can be reached through bestowal is concealed from us. Otherwise, we would be chasing it egoistically like a thief who runs ahead of everyone and shouts: “Catch the thief!” In this case, the egoistic desire would never leave us but would run with us to spiritual pleasures.

However, since spiritual pleasures are opposite of corporeal ones, they do not seem attractive to our egoism and this prevents us from reaching them. It turns out that we have to work against our will as if swimming against the current.

The current along which we are trying to swim is the will to bestow, and it does not allow us to move forward with our egoistic intentions. What should we do? We should ask for help from the Creator because from Him comes both the will to receive and the will to bestow. He is the source of both of them.

Therefore, we ask Him to let us feel the great importance of the will to bestow to such an extent that gradually we will stop feeling the will to receive as an obstacle.

And even vice versa, after we make a restriction on our egoism, psychologically ceasing to perceive reception as something good, we begin to turn reception into bestowal.

It turns out that the more I receive, but in order to bestow, the more I gain. After all, I begin to perform actions of bestowal like the Creator.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/12/22, “The Most Important Is the Prayer”

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