What To Swear To The Creator On?

509Prophets, Yehoshua, 23:7: Nor shall you make mention of the name of their deities, nor exact oaths [by their name] and you shall not serve them, nor bow to them.

Question: What does it mean not to exact oaths (by their name)?

Answer: Actually, it is prohibited to swear altogether. One must not be sure of anything in advance except for one thing: that only the Creator’s help and His actions from above will correct, determine, and put everything in place.

That is the only thing I am counting on, hoping for, and acting on. Therefore, I must bring all earthly affairs to such a state, that is, make every effort to the very last and, as if, bring it before the Creator for Him to complete it. This is called “The Creator will complete instead of me.”

I can only swear to the Creator that I will do everything in my power. When I make an effort, I must be sure that it is me doing it, but the Creator will complete it. The action depends on us, but its completion depends on the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 8/30/21

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