Indisputable Evidence

276.02Question: The term “Creator” (“Bo-re“) in Hebrew means “come and see.” Why is it said “see” and not “taste” or “hear?”

Answer: Vision is the highest organ that transmits a huge amount of information to us that is incomparable with all other organs of perception. It characterizes complete attainment.

Therefore if I say “I saw,” it is considered indisputable evidence. And “I heard,” “I felt” or somehow else, this is unreliable.

In many sources it is written “taste the Creator.” Taste is also a kind of attainment, but it is not vision.

Question: What is the spiritual root of vision? What is special when in the spiritual we receive information through vision?

Answer: Vision symbolizes the light of Hochmathe highest light that we can attain.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 9/10/21

Related Material:
There Is One Creator Everywhere
The Creator Is The General, Integral Force
How To Feel The Creator, Part 11

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