How To Overcome The Fear Of Coronavirus

962.3In the News ( The pathogenic potential of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has not yet been realized, the next stage of the COVID-19 pandemic will be the infection of domestic and farm animals, said the director of the Gamalei National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology,  Alexander Ginzburg. ‘The coronavirus has not yet realized its pathogenic potential. The next stage is the infection of farm and domestic animals, ‘Ginzburg said in an interview published on Monday in the “Izvestia” newspaper.

“’And when we protect humanity with the help of good vaccines within a year, pets will be infected by that time, and no one is going to get rid of their beloved pets. Therefore, the sources of this pathogen will constantly be present around us, which will still evolve,’ he added.”

(OXFAM International):In a survey of 77 epidemiologists from 28 countries, carried out by The People’s Vaccine Alliance, two-thirds thought that we had a year or less before the virus mutates to the extent that the majority of first-generation vaccines are rendered ineffective and new or modified vaccines are required. Of those surveyed, almost a third gave a timeframe of nine months or less. Fewer than one in eight said they believed that mutations would never render the current vaccines ineffective.” 

(World Health Organization):At a time when COVID-19 has exploited our weaknesses and divisions, we must seize this opportunity and come together as a global community for peaceful cooperation that extends beyond this crisis. Building our capacities and systems to do this will take time and require a sustained political, financial and societal commitment over many years.

“Our solidarity in ensuring that the world is better prepared will be our legacy that protects our children and grandchildren and minimizes the impact of future pandemics on our economies and our societies.”

My Response: This is a call. And how can we do it?

We are in about the same state as the Jews were when they left Egypt when it was necessary to disconnect themselves from egoism. Egypt represents egoism.

They were led to the Red Sea, the so-called Final Sea (Yam Sof) because it represents the end of egoism, the end of the egoistic kingdom. And they were told: “Why do you cry out to Me? Speak to the children of Israel and let them travel” The main thing is to disconnect from this egoism and then you will pass this sea. And if you don’t go forward, that is, if you don’t want to disconnect from your egoism, then you are finished here.

This is how a condition will be set for us. Either you rise above egoism by drawing closer to others in “love your neighbor as yourself,” or this will be your end. We will be faced with just such a condition.

Question: Do you think we are getting close to being given an ultimatum? And does nature do it?

Answer: Of course. Where does the virus come from? It is nature. And no tricks will help us. Everything we invent is only to understand that the hand of the Creator is here. As it was said at the exodus from Egypt, in the last blow, the punishment: “It is the finger of God.”

So, everything is going very well and according to plan. We should be happy to find ourselves at a turning point in the history of the world. We are getting there. Either forward with songs into the stormy waves of this egoism of ours, which will drown us, or with songs about love and friendship toward each other and cross over dry.

Question: And the sea will part?

Answer: Of course! And we will reach the end together. I am happy!

Question: That you lived to see that moment?

Answer: Of course.

Comment: When a person is in fear, he is in fear like a bunny under a bush. And he is pushed now into this fear.

My Response: And this is the same with any person—big or small.

Question: How can this person who is under the bush in fear rise to what you said?

Answer: You need to crawl under the bush next to him, cuddle up next to him and say: “My friend, do you want to be saved? I have something. I am not suggesting you buy it, but just listen to how we can save ourselves. Only by connecting above all our problems, hatred, whatever, only by connecting. Don’t ask any questions. See the other as a means to survive.” That is all. Egoistically.

Question: My life, the lives of my closest and dearest depend on it. Will I be able to rise above my hatred and cling to the other?

Answer: Only by that. So go out in the street and look for anyone with whom you can connect in this way. And you must connect with everyone. With some faster, with some slower, and so on. Connect! That is all.

Question: Does the word “connect” have a very simple meaning behind it?

Answer: Nothing else, no other meanings, no other goals—just to feel each other closer. And you will see how all these viruses can no longer exist between us. The major virus is our egoism. It is the common unifying virus. And it will start to leave. As one Kabbalist said: “The virus is from the word ‘Averes, Averot,'” transgressions.

Question: So the virus comes upon the transgressions? To drag us out of them?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: It would be good for people to hear you.

My Response: It will all be good! We cannot run away from this! Only it will be either in our generation or in the next; it depends how lucky you are.

Comment: Better be in this generation.

My Response: I am always an optimist.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/1/21

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