Doctors And Money—A Tough Dilemma

600.02Comment: Igor writes to us: “I have discovered the ability to heal with my hands. At first, I healed my relatives as I continued my regular job. I am a master cabinet maker, I make fine furniture. Somehow it just so happened that people started coming to me and I began healing them. They suggest that I leave my job and earn money as a healer, but I am not sure about it. It doesn’t feel right to charge money for this kind of work. I want to ask you what I should do? Why did the Creator give me this ability? And can I make a living from it?”

My Response: I don’t know. I can’t advise you here. If you can help people, then this is a good thing. So by all means, try it and do it. And if you can also free up from your job and earn money by healing people, there is no prohibition against it. I don’t know.

Or you can keep it as a hobby. Although, the work of a wood carver is also a very interesting job.

Comment: It’s rare today. And it is clear that he loves this work. That’s why he is having these doubts.

My Response: This is a very special kind of work. Such people are worthy of envy. He creates with his hands, giving pleasure to himself and others.

Comment: And if he’s given the ability to heal, what is it given for? This, too, follows along the same lines?

My Response: But this already gets tricky. Now he can heal without any self-benefit, without taking any reward for it. Therefore, his healing is more effective. But when he starts charging money for it, this already poses a problem, what will he do? That is, will he be healing for the sake of money or in order to heal?

Once my teacher Rabash and I came to Haifa to see my friend, a good doctor, and he cured Rabash. And then I paid, although he was willing to do it without taking money. I was surprised. He named the exact amount, for example, 363 dollars, and began to write out a receipt.

I said: “Are you writing me a receipt?!” He replied: “If I don’t write out a receipt, I won’t be able to think right. I will have the wrong attitude and thoughts. I will be looking at things differently. I will think about crooked paths.”

And when Rabash heard this, he was so pleased! He said: “Wow, this is a real doctor, he does not allow himself to think crookedly.”

Comment: That is, crooked means thinking about money, and straight means thinking about a patient’s recovery.

My Response: Yes. I treated you, you have to pay. And the amount was, I remember, some very odd number. “I have to write out a receipt for you, and everything must be absolutely proper!”

If you go into healing with your special abilities, you should think about making sure these abilities do not disappear. And this can only happen if you have the right attitude to the world, to life, to what you do with people.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/1/21

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