Democracy Or Dynasty?

547.06Comment: You always stress that it is good when there is a king ruling the state.

My Response: It is better than the so-called democratic governments we see in different countries today. People think that democracy is when they can get together, shout, criticize, and create an external appearance of ideological struggle, some kind of opposing trends. By doing so, they allegedly find out the truth.

Question: It is said: “Truth is born in a dispute.” Don’t you agree with that?

Answer: Truth cannot be born when everybody is shouting at each other.

Truth is born where there is a family that has been in power for centuries and gradually raised itself, its children, grandchildren, nobility, and everyone else. Then they develop completely different criteria. They do not fight over to whom it is more profitable to sell a certain position. It is all in their hands. And this is why the reigning family is everything.

Of course, they can be killed, dethroned, which has happened many times in history. But in general, there is no other method of governing in our world other than the dynastic form: kingdom, realm.

First of all, people calmly accept such a ruler; he is the king. That is all! I look at him and I do not need anyone or anything else. And when someone starts to break in and say: “Me, me, me,” then there is no nation, no ruler, everything rests only on bayonets.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/26/21

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