Adhering To The Ten

947Question: I have been studying for over two years now and only lately did I hear that once I am in a ten, I will have to be in it for the rest of my life.

Answer: No, we have never said anything like that. There is no problem, you can change tens, but the most important thing here is to try to work with one all the time.

I will say one thing only: when you work in a regular ten, you accumulate material to work on. You are committed to them and they are committed to you. That is, qualitatively speaking, you advance better this way.

It seems to us that this is a problem only in our world. Not really! The Creator places different attributes in you, all kinds of new conditions, shatterings and corrections according to the ten you are in and according to the way you relate to it.

So, on one hand, you must try to adhere to the ten so that you are able to totally melt in them internally, and on the other hand, you will be able to fully gather them like a mother who gathers her youngsters, externally. This is how you express your attitude to the Creator, because as a result, you will discover the Creator in the ten.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 2/12/19

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The Ten —The Only Love
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