Advice For The Lonely

961.2Comment: A major trend in the world today is loneliness. A minister for loneliness has already been appointed in England and now a minister for loneliness has been appointed in Japan.

Irina writes to us: “What a terrible loneliness! How I came to this, I don’t understand. I was always friendly, open, and suddenly—alone! Empty home, empty heart, the phone is silent. And I do not want to call anyone. So lonely that I have no strength! And so much loneliness around me! How can we live alone?”

My Response: You cannot. Were you to create a club for the lonely, they would not go there anyway.

Question: I wonder why? It is true, she and everyone else sit at home for some reason. You must seek them out, ministries must be built for them. It is a problem!

Answer: The fact is that no ministers will help here, no decisions from above, from governments, will help. These are just pretenses to show that we care for the lonely. It will not help in any way.

People realize that they cannot find the meaning of life in marriage. They cannot find the meaning of life in work, and naturally, not in friendship. Not in anything. So what is the point? Why should I get out of bed in the morning? There is no reason, no stimulus for moving, thinking, talking, or doing anything at all. The world freezes as a result.

And what is the point? Only if we discover the meaning of life, which is above this state. Only if we somehow manage to tell others about it, to show it, to shake people up and awaken them. Otherwise, frankly, it will all end with someone selling pills that will put you to sleep forever.

And people will buy them. No doubt! They will gladly take a pill with a sip of water, lie down, and that’s it. What happens afterward doesn’t matter.

Comment: This does not sound very logical. If a man feels bad, he would logically start looking.

My Response: And what can he do if he does not see any way out? Why live?

Question: And connecting with others, at least some kind of connection?!

Answer: They gather in some clubs, but that ends too.

Question: This is not the solution?

Answer: Of course not.

Question: That is, until a person penetrates into the meaning of life.  Is this happening now and that is why we see this trend?

Answer: Yes. A person has to break through a barrier that manifests itself in complete apathy toward everything. Only then can he discover a whole new life. That is, in a way, it is death. Passing through this barrier, we discover that there is another life, a different kind, and now I can start living it.

A person must realize, agree with, and want to give up this life—this constant egoistic pursuit of something. Once he agrees with this in some form, then he is ready for the next life.

Question: What is your advice to a lonely person who feels all alone to the point of a dire need in his soul?

Answer: My advice: go to our website and read. There is nothing else that I could recommend. From the bottom of my heart, I would prefer not to say this, but I cannot offer anything else.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/22/21

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