Welcome To The Convention!

Dear Friends!
I am very pleased to open the first virtual World Kabbalah Convention, which was previously held annually in Tel Aviv in February.
This convention is a gathering of everyone in whom the desire to learn about the meaning of their life, to reveal the upper force, and to move toward the goal of creation has awakened in their hearts.

More than 7,000 people have already registered for the convention and applications continue to come from those wishing to participate with us in lessons and workshops.

We all exist in a huge ocean of egoistic desire created by the Creator, and the goal of this convention is to establish a special island in it where a new force will rule: the desire to bestow. We ask the Creator to lay this new form within the old form—the embryo of the desire to bestow within the desire to receive pleasure.

The Creator can do this; everything depends only on how much we participate in this action, prepare ourselves for it, ask for it, and pray for it to happen. I hope that during the convention we will be able to practically feel how within our connection with each other while still controlled by egoism, above which we really want to rise, an area is cleared for revelation of the Creator, the desire to bestow. And in this way, we will move toward our unique, eternal, worldwide goal.

This is the only and the most important work entrusted to man in this world: to reveal the upper force and the creature created by it. The goal of creation can only be achieved through our unity. All of us, created as egoists, unite in the desire to create a place between us for revelation of the Creator, the quality of bestowal and love, for each other and from us to the Creator, as the Kabbalists teach: “From love of man one comes to love of the Creator”

And since this is the most sublime, special, holy goal that exists in reality, we feel great joy by the honor granted to us to work on it, to reveal the Creator to the creatures in this world.

We hope that we will be able to reveal the upper force for all creatures and thus fulfill the task of the last generation in which we live. The Creator will be revealed to all the inhabitants of this world and the words of the prophets will come into being: “He Is One and His Name One” for all nations.

Therefore, there is a special joy caused by our unity and the desire to make it fit for the revelation of the Creator in our assembly. All of us, men and women, are participants in this action, and the upper force is included from above.
From the World Kabbalah Convention, “Discovering Life In The Ten” 2/25/21 ,“The Joy in the Gathering,” Lesson 1

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