The Goals That Choose Us

294.1Comment: In response to one of your videos, someone wrote: “In general, coming up with some kind of a global goal and then living up to it is self-deception.” This is when you talked about the goal of life, about the big goal that must be set.

“We need to set only local, small goals: to make coffee so that it does not spill out, as usual to make your money last until your monthly salary, to lose two kilos of weight, to read a book, to memorize a poem.”

My Response: Absolutely right! Rejoice in these small, very small goals. You cannot raise your head higher, you cannot think about the future.

And I feel controlled by the whole world. And that is why this control worries me.

Question: I made myself some coffee, but I have a feeling that I can no longer be particularly happy about it? There is something so big in front of me.

Answer: Of course. Until I finish this cup of coffee, something may happen. What should I do? I am created this way.

I have children, and I have to think about them. I have grandchildren, and I also want to think about them. This is a natural feeling of every person. These are not some artificial, made-up goals or concerns. They are inside me naturally, as in any person. How should I react to this? “Do not bother me and let me finish my coffee.” It will not work that way.

If this bothers me, I will think about it. I want to know what kind of world my grandchildren will live in. They are already adults. They graduate from universities and go into the world. What kind of world?

Question: Is this called the big goal I am thinking about?

Answer: Of course. At the same time, I do not think about myself, I think about the generation in which my grandchildren will live. I want to take care of them as every person takes care of their offspring. I do not want to jump above this toward spiritual goals. I am ready to limit myself to this.

Well, how can we not think about what will happen on Earth in 50 years? In 100 years? Where will humanity move?

Comment: The taste of coffee immediately disappears when I suddenly start thinking about it, looking at the world.

My Response: Yes, but we, humans, can build it. And we still need to worry about how we can provide for our children, grandchildren, and for all of humanity in general, a normal tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Question: When exactly do you talk about the goal of life?

Answer: This is the fate of a few people, imposed on them from above. I will put it this way: they are forced from above to think about the future, about the spiritual future, about the spiritual ascent of humanity. But this is still tied, among other things, to our earthly actions.

So, we must connect one with the other. And we must connect them in our generation. And therefore, whether we wish or not, in our generation we must think about the inner motives of our actions.

Question: That is, it is important for you that humanity reaches this good connection?

Answer: Without this, it will not be able to calmly drink coffee tomorrow.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/28/21

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