Science Of Perception Of The Surrounding Space

209Question: Which Kabbalistic book was the first to fall into your hands and reveal the yearning for spirituality in you?

Answer: The Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah, this is a very complex book.

I read many different books and articles. I tried to immediately delve into serious things, but was confused, and did not know how and what until I found my teacher. This happened after three to four years of independent study during which I went through various so-called Kabbalah experts.

However, when I found the teacher, I stayed with him for the rest of his life. I was his assistant, his personal disciple. And after him, I continued his activities.

Question: What is the first book you would recommend in order to start studying Kabbalah?

Answer: Kabbalah is a science. Therefore, it may be able to attract, but only to some extent. After all, a person must have some desire to discover the meaning of life.

If someone has it, he will understand that Kabbalah answers the question of how to reveal this meaning, how to change himself, to change his life, and what internal tools he has for this. They are within the person. In general, this is the science of cognition and understanding the surrounding space.

Then a person will begin to see this space in a more expanded form, actively, in interaction with everything around him. By changing his attitude to the environment, that is, by changing himself, he changes the reaction of the environment to him.
From KabTV’s “Questions about Kabbalistic Books” 10/22/19

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