Prophets Will Walk On The Earth Again

750.01The Book of Zohar, VaYechi [Jacob Lived], Item 593: Initially, there was prophecy among men. They knew and beheld to know the glory of the upper one. When prophecy had ceased in them, they used an echo. Now prophecy, as well as the echo, has stopped and people use only dreams.

For many years after leaving Babylon and before the destruction of the Second Temple, there was a group of people who were in a state of personal and group spiritual communication with the upper force or nature, meaning with the Creator.

Beside the fact that they were all at this level, there were also prophets among them. Imagine the level of those prophets who are written about in the holy books!

Then they fell from the spiritual level of “love your neighbor as yourself” into unfounded hatred and lost the feeling of the Creator in their egoistic qualities, that is, they ceased to be prophets. The prophecy disappeared. This is precisely what The Book of Zohar is talking about because it was written at the time when the destruction of the Temple took place.

The destruction of the Temple is the destruction of communication with the Creator.

The Book of Zohar was written to be revealed in two thousand years. And now, after receiving this book from them, we can return to the same degrees of prophecy.

During these 2,000 years, we have completely disconnected from spiritual perception, and now we can return to a state where the prophets will walk the Earth.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #3

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