Man’s Inner World And Development

566.01Question: It is believed that the inner world of a person includes his thoughts and experiences as well as various feelings and emotions. These make each person an individual and define his character. What does our inner world include from your point of view?

Answer: Everything that originates inside of a person. Once he becomes a part of the world around him or has a connection to a higher source, everything that he absorbs and generalizes within himself is his inner world.

Question: The development of feelings is a conscious process. What should we do with emotions that arise unconsciously as reactions when interacting with other people? Can they be managed?

Answer: I believe that the most important thing is to stick to the right society that studies our inner world and its development, and to advance along with it. Otherwise, a person has no basis for moving forward.

Question: Do you think that there is a technique by which a person can control their own qualities and feelings, and change themselves?

Answer: No. No way! A person cannot develop correctly on his own.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/7/20

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