Audio Version Of The Blog – 05.27.17

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Boycott Of Israel At Eurovision 2017

400In the News (Jerusalem Post): “The small, but vocal group [BDS] aired their grievances in a Facebook group called ‘Eurovision boycott of Israel – ZERO points to the song of Israeli Apartheid.’

“’We are a group of Israeli citizens. This week Europeans (and also Australians) will get a chance to tell Israel what we think of the oppression and dispossession of the Palestinians, and to express solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. In the Eurovision Song Contest, we should give Zero Points to the Song of Israeli Apartheid!’ demands the group on its Facebook page.”

My Comment: This movement exists in every Jew against his own Judaism. The Jew hates himself and believes that if he joins others, he will justify himself and will receive protection from them. This operates in him subconsciously, because the whole egoistic nature of our world is opposed to being a true Jew. Jew (from the root “Yichud” – unity) symbolizes unity. The people of Israel were founded by a group of people who decided to unite and live in peace and friendship without any difference between them, in equality. In fact, this was a true communistic society.

With the destruction of the First and Second Temples, this changed. Love was exchanged for mutual hatred, revulsion, and rejection. All of this is fully revealed in the BDS organization.

Question: Do you think that Jews are most active in BDS?

Answer: Yes, of course. All of the great anti-Semites were Jews, beginning with Torquemada and even Titus in ancient Rome, and so it has been throughout all of history. If we dig into history a bit, then all the most active anti-Semitic ideologues were Jews.

In them speaks the greatest hatred to unity, to the reconstruction of people, to that group of people that would show an example to all the world as it should be to unite and reach the mutual love of all people. They do not know that they are serving as the carriers of hatred in our world so that through the hatred, people will understand the necessity of transforming it into love. That is how the higher management operates.

Question: Do you think that a great accumulation of hatred will ultimately awaken and summon an attraction toward love?

Answer: Yes. That is what happens in general. The “bending” must go through the branching point, and then it will be understood how to act in practice. One always gives rise to the opposite of itself.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/11/17

Related Material:
We Do Not Recognize BDS In Israel
Jewish Newspaper’s Anti-Semitic Activity
The Truth About The Boycott Of Israel, Part 1

“So That He May Lie Down To Sleep In His Garment”

laitman_625_05Torah, Deuteronomy 24:12 – 24:13: And if he is a poor man, you shall not lie down [to sleep] with his security. You shall return the security to him by sunset, so that he may lie down [to sleep] in his garment…

Clothes, the dressing of the soul, is a restriction, a screen (Masach), and Returning Light that is in what you receive the soul. Without the garment, you can’t sense it within yourself.

The rich and poor are two Partzufim, upper and lower. Fulfillment of the poor (lower) depends on the rich (upper) that is obliged to give everything to the lower for the fulfillment of the soul. This means “to return a deposit.”

If the upper has a screen that he must transfer to the lower, he doesn’t have a right to delay it, especially at night, because otherwise the lower will find himself in the dark without the means to cope with the darkness, that is, in an egoistic desire. The upper must take care of him, because he has the screen that he can transfer to the lower. This screen is called a garment.

It is written, “You shall return the security to him by sunset, so that he may lie down to sleep in his garment,” in other words, so that he would have protection from egoism.

From the material point of view, it can be interpreted as if a person must sleep dressed in clothes. Indeed, even according to the Torah you must change for the night in some kind of shelter, for example, under the blanket, because like roots and branches, without clothes you become naked.

From the spiritual point of view, “naked” is an inner state when you lose the garment and the Inner Light and the soul disappears from you immediately. You become food for Klipot (impure desires). All your desires immediately turn into egoistic ones.

Therefore, you can undress only in order to enter the Mikva (a pool for ablution) to clean yourself from egoistic desires and to dress again, meaning to obtain the anti-egoistic screen again, because the body is egoism and the garment on it is the screen.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/31/16

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When You Make A Loan To Your Neighbor…
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What Does The Creator Want From Us?

Laitman_632_3Question: Are there upper forms of consciousness?

Answer: These are the only forms that there are. In our world, consciousness is subordinate to the small egoistic desire and serves only that desire. The upper consciousness is that which serves the Creator. This consciousness stems from attaining the Creator, from resembling Him, from working together with Him.

Question: How can we understand what the Creator wants from us?

Answer: The Creator wants us to be like Him, so we must learn the method that reveals the Creator. To the extent that we learn it, we will attain Him and resemble Him.

Question: Does this mean that as long as we don’t attain the Creator, we will not be able to understand what He wants?

Answer: The Creator wants you to enjoy.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/15/17

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Becoming A Part Of The Creator’s Thought
Thoughts And Mind
No Desire, No Thought

Epilogue To The Holocaust Memorial Day, Part 6

laitman_220Baal-HaSulam, “The Last Generation”: The world erroneously considers Nazism solely a product of Germany, whereas it is a consequence of democracy and socialism that were left without religion, morality, and the world justice.

If this is true, then all nations are equal in this, and there is no hope that with the victory of the allies the Nazis will become extinct because tomorrow the Anglo-Saxons, for example, will take up Nazism because they live in the world of democrats and Nazis.

Evolution must lead the egoistic desire through various states and forms and bring it to the state in which Nazism will naturally emerge in every developed nation. After all, every developed nation begins to feel that it should now move toward spirituality.

Suppose a nation does not know what the spiritual world is because there is no spark in it that could explain what spirituality is. But it feels as if it is suffocating from its material development and there is no exit from the crisis.

And then this nation will subconsciously feel that it is connected with Israel, with Jews, and depends on them. But this feeling will develop into hatred because the nations of the world receive no explanations, no correct nurturing, and no direction or guidance as to how to move forward and overcome the crisis.

Any developed nation and country inevitably begins to feel hatred and resentment toward Israel, since nowadays everybody will begin to feel the desire to ascend to a new level of humanity. Jews will not help if they provide all kinds of material assistance to the world.

This will not diminish anti-Semitism in any way because the need that unfolds from the depths of nature is absolutely unequivocal: a person must rise to the stage of the attainment of the upper force. All of mankind has come to the stage when it has to ascend, and it is even late in doing so. Therefore, Baal HaSulam says that we have no choice: we need to realize our correction as soon as possible and show this method to all nations.

Even the threat of nuclear war and self-destruction does not help the world to come to its senses. If a person does not have a clear and understandable method of correction, no example to follow, he will not be frightened by atomic bombs. All of humanity needs a set way, a clear direction where to go, by what means, and to which goal.

All this is the responsibility of the people of Israel to the nations of the world; this is what is called “to be a light unto nations.” Otherwise, hatred will increase and the account with us will be closed in a very radical, cruel, and simple way.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/17, Lesson on Topic: “Holocaust Memorial Day”

Related Material:
Epilogue To The Holocaust Memorial Day, Part 5
Epilogue To The Holocaust Memorial Day, Part 4
Epilogue To The Holocaust Memorial Day, Part 3

Audio Version Of The Blog – 05.26.17

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My Thoughts On Twitter, 5/25/17


This Tuesday Jews will celebrate #Shavuot, the festival of the granting of the Torah. Yet few people know what the #Torah really is.

Things That You’re Liable To Read In The #Torah – They Ain’t Necessarily So @JPostOpinion

Jerusalem Day. Best Wishes for the people of Israel  #Jerusalemday #Jerusalem50

#TrumpInIsrael with Trump we were given extra time to unite the nation and merit Jerusalem and Israel–otherwise, it’ll be exiled again.

From Twitter, 5/25/17

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My Thoughts On Twitter, 5/23/17
My Thoughts On Twitter, 5/21/17

Jerusalem Day

laitman_961Fifty years have passed since the liberation of Jerusalem. Why is the city still “in chains” then?

Even 50 years after the liberation of Jerusalem, it is still, as it has always been, the center of the world. There is tension between Israel and Turkey since Erdogan’s call to Muslims to visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque in masses in order to support the Palestinians’ struggle and not allow Jerusalem to become the capital of the Jewish state.

The suggestion of American president Donald Trump to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem might undermine the already shaky sense of security even more. The city that is holy to the three religions and in whose heart the Wailing Wall is located was and still is a disputed territory.

There are those who consider the victory won in the Six Days War as the final phase of the return home of the nation of Israel, and there are those who see it as the beginning of the political tragedy of the State of Israel.

Still, at the moment of truth, we were all deeply moved and our eyes filled with tears as everyone felt a great relief when we received proof that we can indeed protect ourselves, which has always been doubtful until that war.

It is only when we feel a threat from the outside that we become a bit closer to each other; we forget all our differences and look for shelter that can unite us, like a herd of sheep escaping from a wolf. But this is not how a nation is formed. This is not how a dream is revived from ashes; this is not how the chosen people should behave.

Nothing is solved by a wave of a magic wand. Our practical experience proves that no political decisions, no life under constant pressure can be the remedy for the nation of Israel.

The unbearable situation we live in today, under endless pressures from within and from beyond the borders of our state, including the growing anti-Semitism, puts us facing the fact that the solution is somewhere else. It isn’t in external actions while society is deeply divided, but first of all in the correction of the relations between us.

We will not be able to establish a healthy system of mutual relations with any nation or state unless we first heal the mutual connections between us. This is the law of nature that operates on the nations of Israel; “Love thy friend as thyself” is the first law. Only after we fulfill it will we be able to reach peace with all our external enemies.

Related Material:
Ynet: “How Do We Build Jerusalem If There Is A Ruin In Our Heart?”
The Real Jerusalem
Jerusalem: Not Stones But The Spirit

When You Make A Loan To Your Neighbor…

laitman_622_01Torah, Deuteronomy 24:10 – 24:11: When you lend your fellow [Jew] any item, you shall not enter his home to take his security. You shall stand outside, and the man to whom you are extending the loan shall bring the security to you outside.

The Torah is not speaking about humane interactions between people, instructing you not to enter the house of a person to whom you are making a loan to avoid showing him that you are in charge of the situation, that he owes you. It is not talking about corporeal actions.

To lend means giving forces to egoistic desires in order to allow them to be used for altruistic purposes later.

Entering a house means uniting with the egoistic desire. However, it has to come out and give you that which allows it to be attached to you. Therefore, you have no right to enter the house of the person to whom you are making a loan because then you might be influenced by his egoism since you would be entering his Kli or vessel, his desire, his four phases. The interaction needs to be purely external, and you must take back the loan without a pledge and without interest.

It is written, “stay outside,” where outside refers to property.

There is a distinction between private and public property (such as public squares and streets). Yards are a type of property that belong to several households. There are also properties such as fields that are beyond the city borders but still belong to a particular owner.

There are also properties that do not belong to anyone, meaning that they belong to the public. There are properties that belong to the Cohens (priests), meaning the Temple, and so on. In other words, everything has been appropriated because it all has a spiritual root. The tractate “Shabbat” in the Talmud speaks about this.

This is how our inner world is divided, and thus we see it that way on the outside. In reality, there is no external world—it’s only how we perceive it. If we correct ourselves, we will gradually discover that this is the world where we exist externally as well.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 10/31/16

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To Know Is To Taste
Jumping Out Of Your Skin

Epilogue To The Holocaust Memorial Day, Part 5

laitman_431_05Question: Why did such a tragic event of unprecedented scale, which caused the death of six million people, happen in Germany of all places? How could this happen?

Answer: It happened because we had evolved to a state where we had to rebuild ourselves from the shattering to correct ourselves and all of humanity. But we were not doing this, and as a result, individual outbursts of hatred concentrated in such a severe global blow.

If a small fuse blows out and I do not change it, then a big system will burn out. If I don’t fix it, the entire network burns out. And I wonder how can this be? A small fuse broke, and suddenly everything burnt down?

Question: If the Holocaust were a legitimate result of development according to the laws of nature, then why did it end, even though the people of Israel did not begin to implement Baal HaSulam’s method?

Answer: We had to intervene in the work of the laws of nature and make up for it with our own work. We did not do it, so the Holocaust erupted. This stage realized itself in this form and expired.

We did not fulfill the correction that needed to be fulfilled in the 30’s and 40’s. Baal HaSulam called all the Jews of Poland to go to Israel, but they did not listen to him. They stayed where they were and all died.

The correction that was supposed to be made was not carried out voluntarily in a good way, and therefore, was realized as the Holocaust by Gevurot (judgment) instead of Hassadim (mercy).That was the end of the stage, and now we are at another stage, which is in the process of development.

Today we again have the opportunity that Baal HaSulam spoke about; we can build the corrected society and set an example to the world on the land of Israel, in the State of Israel. After all, who is “Israel”? It is the people who must serve as an example to all of humanity, because the people of Israel consists of two parts: the desires of the nations of the world and the spark.

Of all the ancient Babylonians, that is, of all humanity, Abraham chose only those who had sparks of light inside, and gathered them into a group. Therefore, in every Jew there is a part that relates to the nations of the world, and a spark. This means that the people of Israel originally consisted of representatives of all the nations of the world.

Inside Israel there are all the 70 nations. That is, now it represents a mini-humanity, which includes representatives of all nations and a spark. If we bring all these sparks together, we can advance toward the Creator. If we give up on these sparks, they hide inside the 70 nations of the world, which are inside Israel, and the Jews become as egoistic as everybody else and even worse.

After all, the sparks awaken even more egoistic desires inside us than in the nations of the world. This is exactly what is happening now. But we have an opportunity to use the sparks and bring correction to the world.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/24/17, Lesson on Topic: “Holocaust Memorial Day”

Related Material:
Epilogue To The Holocaust Memorial Day, Part 4
Epilogue To The Holocaust Memorial Day, Part 3
Epilogue To The Holocaust Memorial Day, Part 2