Quick Sex – Laitman Unplugged

One Comment

  1. Well…this was certainly much better than the video of a few days ago. Nice and also true. Very sadly the real thing that is missing in many relationships these days is the understanding that actually caring about the other, understanding and connecting with them, beyond a physical basis, is a very valuable and rare thing. If only all families could instill this in their children and teach them to be strong in this regard, this world might be a very different place. Mothers take their daughters to gynecologists to protect them, and it is good that they do that…. but perhaps both the sons and the daughters need to first be taught their own value, the value of truly loving and reciprocal relationships, and the psychological damage and the emptiness that can result from the opposite. The best place for this to start is in a loving and strong home. I really do hope you can all teach this to the world…and then make it happen. Blessings to you all.

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