Is The Future In The Internet?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: For several years  I have been involved with dissemination via the Internet. From that course that we are going through now, the sensation is that this is an absolutely unnecessary occupation compared to physical dissemination. Can  I leave the job of dissemination on the Internet and get involved with higher priority activities?

Answer: I don’t think that we should abandon the Internet. It’s preferable to try to find forms and places on it that will be more useful.

Unfortunately, the Internet is gradually becoming “dull” and is beginning to kill itself. People are becoming stupefied, the young are becoming stupefied, most of them are satisfied with short messages. The virtual image of communication is short and limited expressions. I don’t think that there is a great future behind it.

Perhaps there will be a technological breakthrough and we will begin to communicate via electronic means so that we can provide each other with the entire fullness of communication, not limited in size or by time. Just press a button and we will be able to communicate directly with many people, with all kinds of groups, to see everyone and feel each other as if we are sitting together around a single table. Everything has to be simple and easy.

If the technical media will give us the illusion of natural communication, then there is a future for the Internet. In the meantime, in spite of it all, it will wither. People will be interested in it less and less; it will begin to expire. After all, we pounced upon the Internet as on every innovation, thinking it would fill any emptiness in us. Yet it doesn’t fill them.

Therefore, in spite of the primitiveness of the generation that doesn’t want to study or work, people simply “graze” on the Internet with nothing to do, out of despair. Nobody is involved with them, in the meantime we cannot involve them in integral education and there aren’t any government programs addressing this concern.

But basically, this will not last long. This must reach either a technological breakthrough where it will be easier for us to go out to people and influence them emotionally or people will simply abandon this means of communication because they will not find any meaning in it. Today nobody pays attention to what is written on the Internet. Who is interested in whose opinion? Who reads five hundred responses to some nonsense? People are tired not only with reading, but also with expressing their opinion.

I recommend not paying any particular attention to the Internet and not thinking that this will be a long lasting involvement. Humanity will very rapidly replace it.
From a Talk About Dissemination 10/17/13

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