Audio Version Of The Blog – 09.17.13

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[audio: title=’17.9.13′]

One Comment

  1. Greetings of harmony.
    It was very uplifting to listen to the audio version 9/17/13.
    It has been mind boggling to observe how mostly all my thoughts are towards an egoistic desire to receive. It was sad to observe and recognize my ego. I guess it is a true contender in order to gain a prize without price. It was even hard to recognize that my thirst to learn more about Kabbalah is but another desire to receive. In wanting to reject the light I found my willingness to do it but had feelings of despair. I long for this new kli to be filled. It has been a teary road these days and your audio brought much hope. I struggled to even write this as it showed me that it was another desire to want to be reflected/recognized. Instead, I am clothing this desire with gratitude towards your intention of sharing this beautiful information. Thank you.

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