Seeing Through the Eyes of Love

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: You have said that when we study the integral method, we begin to perceive the negative qualities of other people as positive. What does this mean?

Answer: This means that until I rise above my egoism, I do not see others, I only see myself. But when I rise above myself, I suddenly begin to appreciate another person the way he appreciates himself. In other words, I see that his actions are good and proper. I was wrong to appraise him the way I did from my prior egoistic point of view.

Comment: Then we have not only the collapse of the subjective “I,” but also the crumbling of all the ethics.

Answer: There are no ethics in our egoism, nothing but trying to take as much as possible and pushing everyone as far away as possible. I am speaking about our nature.

When we look at another person, we try to find faults in him, feel that he is beneath us, and that we are better than him. This is a natural defense response of our egoism. This is the way we regard the entire world.

I look at my child and somebody else’s child. My child is always at least better somehow in my opinion.

I always put myself in a more beneficial position; otherwise, there is no reason for me to exist. The egoism’s defensive reaction is directed towards providing me with support that I have the right to exist, and I exist.

But when I rise above me, I see others through completely different eyes.
From KabTV’s “Integral World” 11/27/12

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