The Wisdom Of Kabbalah At The World’s Service

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy”: The above is much like a fable that our sages tell: Asmodeus (the devil) drove King Solomon four hundred parsas (a distance measurement) from Jerusalem and left Him with no money and means of sustenance. Then he sat in King Solomon’s throne while the king was begging at the doors. Every place he went, he said: “I am Ecclesiastes!” but none believed him. And so he went from town to town declaring, “I am Solomon!” … As King Solomon could not display his wisdom to the scholars at the place of his exile and had to come to Jerusalem, the place of the Sanhedrin, who studied and knew King Solomon, and testified to the depth of his wisdom

So it is with the wisdom of Kabbalah: it requires great sages who examine their hearts to study it for twenty or thirty years. Only then will they be able to testify to it.

Today everything is totally different. First, we now have Baal HaSulam’s books that are suitable for our generation. This greatly hastens the process. Baal HaSulam prepared the scientific part for us, the part of the wisdom, and Rabash prepared the practical part, and so our steps along the spiritual road have become much faster. It still takes years but not decades.

Besides, today man’s general state also plays an important role. In the past, Kabbalists did not depend on the external pace of development; they did their work and laid a “pipe” so that the wisdom of Kabbalah would flow in a parallel channel. They didn’t have to reveal it to their generation. On the other hand, we are living in the age of fulfillment, which means that we need to fulfill the general ascent and therefore depend on the whole world. To the extent that it develops, we are also given something to hold on to and new revelations and advancement.

This means that we have to prepare ourselves to serve the world. I know it about myself: I have to “chew” these things, to repeat them, to delve into them, although I don’t need them for my advancement. Imagine that a person who has to become a scientist is also taught how to be a kindergarten teacher and an elementary school teacher.

This is actually what today’s generation is demanding and no one person is taken into account other than his place in the general system. There is no point in raising any one separately; even the great Kabbalists were raised only to do the work they had to do at a certain point in the general process, so that the results would serve others.

Today we all depend on the world’s advancement, and so we can, for example, stay on a certain level until it takes the next step. Changes for the good will only come according to the pace of the general global changes. But this doesn’t mean that we can sit and wait now: “We have done enough, and now we can wait for them.” No, our work is mutual; our corrections “are poured” into all the other nations and it’s their advancement that helps us.

Let’s hope the year 2013 will be good for us. We have to make both internal and external efforts in order to reach the most distant places, including countries that are in serious crisis and their existence in danger, like Greece or Spain. We have to find and use all possible means in order to disseminate the wisdom of Kabbalah everywhere. This will greatly hasten the external development and will allow us to develop internally.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/27/12, “The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy”

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