One Step Ahead Of The World

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe are building our future. To the extent that we become integrated, we will reveal it much faster than when it becomes materialized in us mechanically. We walk one step and perhaps a few steps ahead of the history of the world.

Our world is moving like a cart with a horse; I mean precisely an animal force pulls it forward. However, we are moving like a person who strives forward, driven not by the whip and spurs, but by his aspiration, like a quick runner who is racing ahead of the heavy horse-drawn cart. This is because the cart consists of individualists who need to be forced to understand their commonality, integrality, and globality, while we gather in this integrality in advance.

Thus, we are represented not by a huge cart with billions of people sitting in it, but by the image of the collected horseman, who along with the horse (with his animal inclination) moves purposefully towards the goal because both the horse and the rider understand the purpose. It is a completely different speed. Today, we are building our future practically.
From a Talk on Integral Upbringing 3/2/12

Related Material:
Ahead of the Train
Walking Along With Nature
Distinctive Characteristics Of The Future Society

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 09.14.12

Preparation to the Lesson

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Writings of Rabash Igrot,” Letter 34 

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The Book of ZoharSelected Excerpt “VaYikahel (And Moses Assembled),” Item 130, Lesson 3

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Preface to The Book of Zohar,” Item 36, Lesson 26

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Topic of Lesson: Customs of Rosh HaShanah

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