Standing Up To The Revelation

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn concealment, I have only one choice: to imagine the greatness of the upper one who manages me and determines all my states. The upper one deliberately pretends to be a little one in order to give the lower one the opportunity to work.

If the Creator, the upper force that dominates over everything, becomes revealed, then there will be no room for my faith, bestowal, because I will see that everything is in His hands, and I have nothing to work on. That is why I ask for concealment.

I begin to appreciate concealment because I live in His concealment. I will disappear if He is revealed. If the Creator is revealed, I will turn into a complete zero, feeling that He controls and determines everything, and I have nothing to do, as if I don’t exist.

If the Creator is hidden, then I have a chance to make efforts, to work, to seek strength. It is clear that I get strength from Him, but I feel that I exist due to my overcoming concealment and building something myself. This is the first step.

Once I can build myself in this form in concealment, which I asked for myself, and raise myself to the full spiritual Partzuf, I reach Galgalta veEynaim, the fully giving desires. Then I can ask the Creator to begin to be revealed.

Even if He is revealed, I will not disappear because I already exist in the spiritual world and can add to His revelation from myself, as if He continues to be hidden. I show my independence in spite of His revelation. Now, His revelation does not disturb me; on the contrary, it gives me additional opportunities to work. After all, despite the fact that the Creator is revealed, I can stand and not cancel myself before Him. This is called receiving in order to bestow, the degree of love.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/29/12, Writings of Rabash

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