Crossing The Egyptian Border

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What can I do if I have a great desire to unify with the friends, but no matter how hard I am trying to do so, I am unable to stay in it for more than five minutes and get carried away by all kinds of irrelevant thoughts?

Answer: You need to transfer yourself from one thought to the other, over and over again. What can you do if our work is done in small steps, like children who grow little by little, day by day. But a child does work, all day long, in order to advance. It constantly tests the environment and itself: How well it can fit into and employ it, how to develop in order to take the most advantage of the environment.

But we don’t do the same. Each second we don’t examine how we should use our environment, what the best way is to connect to it. We don’t wish to unify and test ourselves: Do we bestow to the environment? Can you really do it each moment like a child does? And that’s where our problem lies; it is the reason why our progress is so slow.

Nothing is halting us. We received all the instruments; everything is written down for us; everything is explained; and all we need to do is jump on it altogether and just do it! And then anyone, even if he is in the farthest corner of the Earth, will also feel he can’t do otherwise.

Only the common inner effort of the entire world group will awaken every heart. No one has any other chances to keep on the path, to immediately wake up and keep moving forth. This is regarded as the mutual guarantee, when all guarantee to everyone that he will quickly wake up and reach the good state.

Egypt isn’t that necessary if we are passing through it together. The Creator arranges everything so that we can bear this turmoil which is regarded as the “pain of love” when I dream about meeting with someone I love, and yearn for Him, for this anticipated encounter that lies ahead.

And I naturally suffer since I haven’t yet come to that meeting and we haven’t reunited, but I already live looking forward to it, in the illuminated anticipation of the future. The only difficulty on this path is lack of unity between us. Beyond it, there is nothing else.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/21/2011, Beit Shaar HaKavanot

Related Material:
Paving The Path To The Light
Mission Possible
Blows In One Point

The New Babylon

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is our message to the American people?

Answer: It’s to reveal the truth as soon as possible: Where we actually are and how we can save the situation. I repeat that everything depends on you. I wish good guides for the American people, and you are these guides.

Question: America holds a special place. Is this because it is the new Babylon?

Answer: Yes, but it is no longer the same place that America held some twenty years ago. Today, the entire globe is Babylon. Before, America was the gathering place for a multitude of nations and cultures, and this is why it was a special place. Today, everyone is connected with one another. The entire world has become Babylon.

It is amazing that sages wrote thousands of years ago that this would happen. I did not believe it when Rabash spoke about this. I simply smiled at him. However, it has been twenty years, and we have suddenly found ourselves connected and dependent on one another.

The laws of nature are invariable. We will benefit if we manage to explain this to people and understand that there is no other choice.
From Lesson 7, WE! Convention 4/3/2011

Related Material:
Address To The Convention Participants
Spiritual Therapy For The Masses: Session One
The Whole World Depends On These Three Days

A Lot of Suffering, Only One Reason

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: I teach in medical school and I see the pain of the people around me. How can I ease this pain?

Answer: All types of suffering only come from the fact that we are not in balance with the common force of nature; we are not in a state of mutual bestowal. Every person receives blows according to the root of his soul and the general state of his place in the common system.

Some people feel neither the blows nor the crisis. It seems to pass them by. Others live in constant fear.

People are different: Some reach spiritual corrections and elevate their souls, while others live in the present moment without thinking about the future. Every person lives according to the level of their development. It’s only now that a large mass of people is beginning to come to correction.

There is one cause of suffering: disparity with the common force of nature. This is why the solution is to become like it. Only one law exists: equivalence of form.
From Lesson 7, WE! Convention 4/3/2011

Related Material:
Unhealthy Mutations Of Egoism
The Best Remedy For All Illnesses
Illness Is An Expression Of The Difference Between Us And The Creator

Do Not Experiment With Children

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: My three year old daughter watches your lessons together with me. Is this material enough for her, or does she need other content?

Answer: I am hearing many similar questions here, and it surprises me a lot. What do you expect of such young children? Who told you that you should drag a three-year-old girl to the lesson? Where have you seen this? Why are you not learning from what we do with our children?

We do not do this. See what we do, and do the same. We gradually let children older than six listen to certain things and sing together with us.
From Lesson 7, WE! Convention 4/3/2011

Related Material:
Do Children Have A Connection With The Creator?
Teaching Children The Perception Of Reality
How Can We Influence Our Children?

Realizing Your Purpose

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Following your advice to expand my world, I have connected as many pieces that are similar to me as I could, but I see the suffering of the people outside of our group because we are not bringing the wisdom of Kabbalah and the level of connection that exists among us to them.

Answer: I already told you how to disseminate Kabbalah. Give the easiest book we have, From Chaos to Harmony for example, to one person, then another, then someone else. Have a small library, and this way, you will see whether people are interested in this. Do they feel that there is an actual reason behind all this chaos? Do they understand that there is a solution?

This is the best way to act because as soon as you begin to speak with them, you ruin yourself and them. The best method to disseminate is to give a book.

Question: What else can I do to strengthen the connection between the people who study Kabbalah?

Answer: This is a different question. You should unite with other women to use your strength, desire, and concern to motivate the men to work harder between them on the destruction of their egoism and the strengthening of their connection. You cannot even imagine how much influence women have over men.

There were many times in my life when I received great advice from my wife, as if it were sent from God. She often offered me a solution in the most critical states—I am speaking about spiritual solutions. You, women, can influence men, and you should not be avoiding this responsibility.
From Lesson 7, WE! Convention 4/3/2011

Related Material:
Dissemination Is Like Giving Birth In Spirituality
Our Strength Is Our Weakness
What Is Lacking In The Spiritual Advancement Of The Men?

When I Receive Life

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is the connection between disseminating the wisdom of Kabbalah and spiritual attainment?

Answer: Spiritual attainment comes solely through dissemination. We know from the wisdom of Kabbalah that a soul consists of two parts: GE (Galgalta ve Eynaim) and AHP (Awzen, Hotem, Peh), which are my properties (Kelim) by way of which I remain in bestowal to others. GE obeys the law of Restriction, where only the Light of Hassadim (Mercy) is present. It isn’t attainment but only the correction of the Kli (vessel).

However, if I wish to attain the Light of Hochma (Wisdom), I need to involve my AHP, my receiving Kelim (desires). In other words, I must bestow to the others; otherwise, I won’t be able to engage my AHP. I must receive MAN from them which will result in my being able to channel the Light of Hochma to them.

Therefore, it is said: “I have learnt a great deal from my teachers, more from the friends, and much more from the students.” After all, the students bring to me their unfulfilled desires, and I lift them up to Infinity, draw from there and channel through myself the Light of Hochma that they are asking for, and thereby attain.

A person never attains spirituality in his Kelim, but only by adjoining the others’ desires to his own. He can engage his AHP only if within him, there is the GE of another. And the AHP of the latter, in turn, has to be tied to someone else, and so on. None of us is free.

Thus all spiritual Partzufim are formed up to the world of Infinity. Let’s take the Partzuf of my soul, for example (see the diagram below). Its lower part resides within the lower Partzuf, totally controlled by it. And in the second part of my soul resides the upper one. In other words, with the upper part of my soul I belong with the upper one and with lower part, to the lower one. Where is my Self then?

Well, I don’t exist. I cannot exist for myself. My life (and we will very soon start observing it in our global world) is tied either to the upper one or to the lower one, to both of them, but it surely doesn’t belong to me. If in my upper part I completely hand myself to the upper one, along with him, I attain in my GE and his AHP in me the complete ten Sefirot. And below, in my AHP and GE of the lower one, I also attain the full ten Sefirot. Thereby, I receive life.

But I never have my own Kli except in connection with the upper or lower ones. I don’t possess my own ten Sefirot or, to be even more precise, I don’t have any one Sefira of my own. My one, upper, part is always totally tied to the upper one, while the other, lower, one is fully tied to the lower one. And only in the middle can I make a decision to split myself into these two parts.

This is precisely what we will be revealing now as a result of a global world crisis. There is no other connection between people, nations, countries, and all parts of nature. We are all linked like cells of one single organism. And if we make an effort to fulfill this condition, we will find a good life. And if not, we will suffer.

This is the spiritual law that defines how the Partzufim are connected. We learn about it in The Study of the Ten Sefirot.

Question: How much time should we dedicate to inner analysis and how much time to external dissemination?

Answer: Dedicate 100% to inner unity with 100% dissemination to the world on top of it!
From Lesson 7, WE! Convention 4/3/2011

Related Material:
Dissemination Is Like Giving Birth In Spirituality
Your Personal Desires Won’t Take You Far
The Mission Of The Nation That “Aspires To The Creator”

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 04.28.11

Writings of Rabash, “What Is the Manner of Sufferings in the Work”
Download: WMV Video|MP3 Audio

The Book of Zohar – Selected, Chapter, Mishpatim,” “The Grandfather,” Item 27
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Talmud Eser Sefirot, Vol. 1, Part 1, Chapter 1, Item 3, Lesson 3
Download: WMV Video|MP3 Audio

Baal HaSulam, “The Acting Mind”
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